Diet programs and/or fads abound. Most, if not all, have helpful tips and suggestions,and may well assist with weight loss. You, yourself, may have experienced this or read accounts or seen everyday folks or celebrities on TV, who have started a diet and actually lost weight - only to gain it back.
In addition to the nourishment needed to sustain life, food represents many things to many people: kinship and a sense of community, as well as solace and comfort. The latter becomes a challenging factor for many people. "Stress" or "comfort" eating is, essentially, mindless eating. Andrew Weil, MD, reported on a survey that quizzed a group of women in Paris and a group of women in Chicago on "When Do You Know to Stop Eating?" By and large, the group of women in Paris responded, when they were "full." By and large, the women in Chicago had a variety of responses that highlighted a significant degree of distraction - or mindless eating: when their plate was empty, when their drink was consumed, when the TV show they were watching was over.